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Chinese Quantum Computers Outpace Western Rivals: SCMP

Jiuzhang 2 can calculate in one millisecond a task that would take world’s fastest conventional computer 30 trillion years

The progress of China technology firms in quantum computing may be unnerving some western leaders, especially in the US. Photo: AFP
The progress of China technology firms in quantum computing may be unnerving some western leaders, especially in the US. Photo: AFP

Physicists in China have built two quantum computers with performance speeds which exceed those of their Western competitors, the South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday.

They have produced a superconducting machine and an even faster type which uses light photons to achieve never-before seen results, the paper said, adding that Jiuzhang 2 can calculate in one millisecond a task that would take the world’s fastest conventional computer 30 trillion years.

The team’s findings are detailed in two papers published in the peer-reviewed Physical Review Letters and Science Bulletin.

Read the full story: South China Morning Post

George Russell

George Russell is a freelance writer and editor based in Hong Kong who has lived in Asia since 1996. His work has been published in the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, New York Post, Variety, Forbes and the South China Morning Post.