The US automaker slashed prices for all versions of its Model 3 and Y vehicles, which, along with a reduction in October, amount to a 13% to 24% reduction in prices from September.
China claims it has quickly shared Covid data, despite criticism by the WHO and analysts, who say it has been hit by a 'tidal wave' that will rock the economy for months
UK bank does first treasury bond futures transaction in China, with the permission of regulators, who are working to attract investors after months of foreign outflows
Parts used on Taiwan's supersonic 'carrier killer' missile were sent by a Swiss company to China for repairs, local media say
A unit of Tokyo Gas is close to a deal to buy US natural gas producer Rockcliff Energy for about $4.6 billion, sources say
Concern about Beijing's Covid data has aggravated ties with governments that said visitors from China must undergo Covid tests before arriving in their country.
Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr described TikTok was "a sophisticated surveillance tool" and said the US needs to follow India's move in banning the app
The World Bank has moved to alter its mission, lending tools and capacity to help countries shift from coal power to address climate change and other global crises
Huawei chief Eric Xu says the company is easing out of crisis mode – just weeks after being hit by a further ban imposed by the US government.
Tesla's Korean outlet was fined $2.2m for failing to tell customers its EVs' driving range would drop significantly in cold weather. Meanwhile, the group delivered a record 1.3m vehicles in 2022
Many young people have welcomed the change, given they face less threat from the virus, while others have been rocked by the death of family members.
The US-based group said on Wednesday it will shut its operations in Japan next month because of weak local and global market conditions.