Indian police question ex-CEO of top bourse and her adviser after governance lapses found at top exchange. Regulators say it is shocking that Chitra Ramkrishna consulted the yogi for years
HSBC aims to cut emissions associated with loans to its oil and gas clients by 34% this decade, its sustainability chief said - the first time Britain's biggest lender has agreed to such a target
Investor worries over a possible new crackdown by Beijing set off steep drops in Chinese tech shares on Tuesday. Alibaba, Meituan, Tencent and were all dragged down
Russian stock indexes plunged and the rouble sank to near a two-year low after Moscow recognised Ukraine's two separatist regions and Putin sent troops into the Western-backed country.
Banks in 87 cities cut mortgage rates in February, a research group said, in a bid to boost sales in China's property market chilled by efforts to cut huge amounts of debt held by some developers
The Bank of China, ICBC, China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank cut mortgage rates for first-time homebuyers to 80 basis points of the benchmark loan prime rate in southern city
Investment bank sees Asia’s GDP growth poised to accelerate and reach 5.1% in the fourth quarter of 2022, fuelled by a sharp upswing in exports
Shares and foreign bonds of Zhenro slumped again on Monday, after it said existing resources may be insufficient to repay debt due in March
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney, Singapore, Taipei, Wellington and Manila slipped on Friday, after all major US markets fell, but Shanghai, Mumbai, Jakarta and Bangkok edged up slightly
PM Fumio Kishida said the number of people allowed to enter the country will rise to 5,000 a day, from 3,500. But tourists still remain shut out
Overall car sales in Japan, not including small light vehicles, dipped 3.2% last year, but sales of foreign models rose 1.7% and imports of battery EVs jumped almost three times
Risks from the $2.6 trillion crypto market could grow quickly, so regulators need measures to bring the sector to heel, the G20's Financial Stability Board (FSB) has warned