China's central bank boosts short-term funding to ease worries over tightening liquidity amid a faltering recovery, but real estate shares and other sectors were down
A South Korean parliamentary panel votes to recommend amending a law to stop Google and Apple from charging high commissions on app store purchases
US officials have reportedly approved licences worth hundreds of millions of dollars for blacklisted Huawei to buy 'less sophisticated' chips for its auto parts business
Asian economies have been knocked flat by the spread of the infectious Delta variant, causing the shutdown of shops, restaurants and factories in China and across SE Asia
Top cybersecurity official says that all companies, including those involved in foreign trade, must ensure network security
Moody's cuts rating for Chinese asset manager on news it will book a huge loss, but Fitch raised Huarong's long-term issuer default rating, based on the company's recapitalisation plan
The Securities and Exchange Commission is issuing new disclosure requirements to Chinese companies that want to list in New York in a bid to boost investor awareness of the risks involved
Korean lawmakers are expected to ban app store operators with dominant market positions from forcing certain payment systems. The move is expected to hit both Google and Apple.
Many IPOs in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been held up by a CSRC inquiry into intemediaries including Tian Yuan Law Firm in Beijing, China Dragon Securities and CAREA Assets Appraisal's net revenue jumped by about 26% to over $39 billion in the second quarter, which was above analysts' expectations
Shares plunge nearly 10% after General Motors said it would recall more cars that use the firm's batteries due to fire risk from alleged 'defects', and seek $1 billion from LG Chem
Graft agency says Hangzhou's top official is being investigated for serious violations of discipline and law and local party members are now facing scrutiny over business links in the city.