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BRICS Looking to Counter Sanctions With Alternative Currencies
AI Chip Gold Rush Pumps Up SoftBank Shares Ahead of Arm IPO
Indonesia’s Mining, EV Battery Plans Get $9 Billion Boost
Nvidia Feels ‘Perfectly Safe’ Relying Heavily on Taiwan Chips
US to Target Investment in China Chips, AI, Quantum Computing
AI Poses Extinction Risk, as Bad as Nuclear War, AI CEOs Say
China Gives Elon Musk a Superstar Welcome, High-Level Access
Singapore Ousts Hong Kong as APAC’s Costliest City for a Home
Elon Musk Reaches China, Meets Foreign Minister Qin Gang
US Funds Pull $6 Billion From China ADRs as Tensions Rise
SoftBank Shares Soar as Arm Rolls Out New Smartphone Chip Tech
China Plans to Land its First Taikonauts on the Moon by 2030

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