Beijing’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, will tell the COP28 climate meeting new energy sources aren’t reliable enough yet to replace coal and oil
Nearly 5% of Hebei's 74.2 million residents were affected by the floods, with 2 million people displaced and over 40,000 homes destroyed
The progress made on reducing emissions intensity could help India avert pressure by developed nations to stop using coal, officials said
More than 1.2 million people have been evacuated in the northern province of Hebei because of rains from Typhoon Doksuri
The country has been reeling from a series of extreme weather events since April with severe storms now set to sweep across some regions
Only four of 87 mines sold to companies over the past three years are operating. The rest have yet to get funding, as banks prefer renewable projects, partly because of coal's decreasing viability
The International Energy Agency said about three quarters of 2022-28 demand growth increase will come from Asia, with India overtaking China by 2027
Dozens of fossil fuel companies have set net-zero emissions targets, but these moves are regarded as "largely meaningless" because most fail to address key concerns
Global temperatures are likely to be 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels at least once over the next five years, the WMO says, and an El Niño weather pattern looks likely to occur late this year
Hanoi’s plan could help unlock billions of dollars in foreign investment but one G7 diplomat was concerned at a continuing high reliance on coal
Indian government officials have revealed New Delhi is trying to win more support for alternative routes to a net zero future, which could even include using coal
An 11.5% power generation jump drove a sharp surge in emissions by the world's third largest greenhouse gas-emitter as output from both coal-fired and renewable plants hit records