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Latest News: Carbon

World Headed For 2.5C of Heating, Top Scientists Say – Guardian
Renewables Now Source of 30% of World’s Power  – Guardian
Graft Blamed for Long Delay of China’s Energy Law
China Cities Miss Air Quality Goals as Economy ‘Prioritised’
Pure O2 Key to World’s First Carbon-Neutral Cement Plant – IE
Asia is Warming Faster, Hit Hardest by Climate Disasters: WMO
Record Rains See Floods Swamp China’s ‘Factory Floor’
Study Shows Half of China’s Big Cities Sinking, Rising Seas Risk
Scientists Build Carbon-Consuming Electricity Generator – ABC
Floods, Droughts, Earthquake, Big Freeze Cost China $3.3bn
Global Coal Capacity Growth Blamed on China, EU, US – FT
Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, Coal India Named as Top CO2 Polluters

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