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Latest News: Carbon

Global Coal Capacity Growth Blamed on China, EU, US – FT
Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, Coal India Named as Top CO2 Polluters
China’s Oil Giants Rush to Adapt as Buyers Shift to EVs
Yellen: China’s Green Energy Push a Threat to Global Jobs – AP
Scientists Fear Record Ocean Heat Is Changing Earth’s Systems
South Korea’s $313bn Loan Plan For Carbon-Cutting Projects
China Misses 2023 Emissions Targets, ‘Climate Credibility at Risk’
China Ramping up Its Transition to Clean Energy, Grid Storage
Cost of Carbon Capture by 2050 May be Double Estimates – IME
Renewable Energy Costs Undercut Coal-Sourced Power – elektrek
US Startup, Singapore to Build an Ocean Carbon Removal Plant
Tougher Penalties in China for Firms Understating Emissions

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