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China Cybersecurity Body Says US Hack Stole Tech Secrets – SCMP

The claim comes at a time when US security agencies and officials have accused Chinese hackers of infiltrating multiple US telecom providers and stealing huge amounts of data

Artificial intelligence AI hack
Blockchain analysts and the FBI say North Korean hackers are behind the massive ByBit theft (Reuters pic). Image: Freepik; edited by Aarushi Agrawal.


A Chinese cybersecurity body has claimed that American intelligence agencies carried out “cyberattacks” on two technology companies and stole their business secrets, according to a report by the South China Morning Post.

The National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Centre of China, a non-governmental body, issued a statement this week detailing the attacks, adding that it had found and “dealt” with them, SCMP said.

The two tech firms attacked include a data company and an advanced material design research unit, the cybersecurity body said. Hackers used Trojan horse viruses and back-door programmes to breach their servers, it added.

The claim comes at a time when American security agencies and officials have accused Chinese hackers of infiltrating multiple US telecom providers and stealing huge amounts of data in the “largest telecommunications hack” in US history. Officials say the hackers are backed by the Chinese government.

Read the full report: SCMP


  • Vishakha Saxena


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Vishakha Saxena

Vishakha Saxena is the Multimedia and Social Media Editor at Asia Financial. She has worked as a digital journalist since 2013, and is an experienced writer and multimedia producer. As a trader and investor, she is keenly interested in new economy, emerging markets and the intersections of finance and society. You can write to her at [email protected]