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China Sees Growing Unrest Over Cases of Financial Distress

China Dissent Monitor reported a 127% jump in economic protests in the last quarter of 2023, and Beijing likely fears unrest will spread as its economy slows

Police stand near demonstrators protesting over the freezing of deposits by rural banks in Zhengzhou, Henan province, on May 23, 2022 (Reuters video screen-grab).


The detention of protesters from a well-publicized rally about a high-profile bank fraud in Zhengzhou in central China has raised questions about growing sensitivity over unrest linked to cases of financial distress.

This issue may stem from the fact China has seen a big jump in economic protests as its economy slows; Beijing likely fears that such unrest will spread.

But mystery remains on reasons for the long-term detention of some protesters.


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When Ou Yangyun travelled to the city of Zhengzhou in February to demand recompense after his bank account containing tens of thousands of dollars was frozen, his family expected him to be home two days later to celebrate the Lunar New Year with his five-year-old twins.

But the small-business owner from Changsha never returned.

Ou, 39, and more than a dozen other victims of one of China’s biggest banking scandals had gathered outside a train station in Henan’s provincial capital. “Henan banks, return our savings!” they shouted, footage of the protest obtained by Reuters shows.

Dressed in winter coats, the group wandered the streets for about 30 minutes, until one of several unidentified men who had been tailing them shouted “Close the net!” and the protesters were pushed onto a bus and delivered to a police station, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter.

Most were released after several days in captivity, during which they were served mouldy food and had limited sleep, but Ou and two other defrauded depositors are still being held by Zhengzhou police, the two people said.


Property crisis, investment scams

This account, based on a review of protest footage, previously unreported arrest notices and interviews with five people with direct knowledge of the matter, examines one of the economic protests that have proliferated in China since 2022, a period in which hundreds of thousands of Chinese have lost homes in a property bust and fallen victim to investment scams.

The people spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of official retribution.

The Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, Henan province’s Department of Public Security, and China’s Ministry of Public Security did not respond to requests for comment about the detainees and their treatment.

The depositors’ plight began about two years ago, when some 600,000 people lost their savings in a $4.2 billion fraud that involved four banks in Henan, sparking worries among some analysts about the stability of rural lenders.

The scandal and resulting protests were not directly caused by China’s slowing economy. But the unusually harsh treatment of Ou and the two others may reflect official sensitivities about rising dissent linked to financial distress, two experts said.

It is common for people to be detained at economic protests, but they are typically released within days, in contrast to those involved in political protests who are often held for months, the two analysts said.

“Four months of detention for something as small as participating in a peaceful protest speaks volumes about the government’s inability to handle this slowly growing crisis,” Peter Dahlin, of China-focused human rights monitor Safeguard Defenders, said.


127% jump in economic protests in Q4 2023

China Dissent Monitor, a project of Washington-based rights group Freedom House, reported a 127% jump in economic protests to 805 in the fourth quarter of 2023 from a year earlier. These include demonstrations by labourers over unpaid wages; property buyers whose apartments were not built; and investors and retirees fleeced of their money.

With such dissent brewing, “the central government is going to be eager to halt the protests in their tracks to prevent widespread unrest as the economy falters,” said Andrew Collier, managing director at Hong Kong-based Orient Capital Research, an independent China-focused research firm.

The four Henan rural banks did not respond to requests for comment. Immediately after the fraud emerged, the lenders posted notices online instructing “customers who are unable to conduct normal business” to register their details.

China’s banking regulator, the National Financial Regulatory Administration, did not address Reuters’ questions about the fraud and subsequent investigations.

Reuters was not able to find previous statements by Chinese authorities about the rise in economic protests, but in some instances officials have contained dissent by promising to address its underlying causes, without directly acknowledging public ire.


Bad food, poor treatment

After the Zhengzhou protesters were detained, it took 26 hours for police to provide them with food, such as steamed buns, which were mouldy, two of the people said.

Some detainees were woken and interrogated between 1am and 5am, the people said, adding that one was cuffed by their hands and legs.

Regulations covering the pre-arrest treatment of detainees issued by China’s State Council specify that they must be provided with food and drink and should not be subject to abuse, among other stipulations. Provinces also set guidelines; Henan requires detainees’ food to be safe and hygienic.

While most of the protesters were freed within days, Ou and two others, Shi Jianjian and Hu Weiming, were not heard from for weeks.

Ou’s relatives tried to ascertain his fate, but calls and letters to the Zhengzhou police yielded little. The family “thought Ou was dead”, one person said.

Although Ou was detained on February 9, his police arrest notice is dated March 19. Reuters could not determine the reason for the discrepancy.

Ou and Shi are accused of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, according to their arrest notices, a charge often used against protesters in China. Reuters could not ascertain whether Hu has been charged.

The family of Shi, 50, said they are concerned about his health. He has diabetes and suffered from depression after losing his money, according to a doctor’s note dated January 2023.

Hu, also a small-business owner, lost all of her family savings in the scandal, one of the people said, adding that Hu’s father had died from illness while she was in detention.


Chinese police have arrested 234 people over a major banking scandal in Henan province, a local security bureau said on Tuesday.
Financial regulators in Henan had to deal with a crisis in 2022 that affected millions of customers. This July 2022 pic shows people at a protest in Zhengzhou over the freezing of their deposits by rural banks. File video screengrab: Reuters.

Fraud spurred mass outcry

The financial scandal involved what Chinese authorities described as a complex fraud perpetrated across a handful of rural banks when Xincaifu Group, a private firm with stakes in the lenders, colluded with bank staff to siphon off depositors’ funds.

Xincaifu was deregistered in 2022, according to company records, and made no public statements about the scandal at the time.

After a mass outcry by the depositors, local governments compensated many customers who had lost small deposits.

Still, more than 1,000 people are yet to be repaid, according to two of the five sources and another person familiar with the matter.

Many of the depositors, including the Zhengzhou three, are from outside of Henan province and had placed large amounts with the lenders, attracted by favorable interest rates.

After the scandal drew public attention, China’s banking regulator said two of its officials were under investigation for unspecified suspected legal violations, without acknowledging any link to the rural banks.

In addition, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in Henan said in July 2022 that a central bank official in Zhengzhou was under investigation for suspected serious disciplinary violation. Reuters was unable to reach the commission via its listed fax or phone number.

In February, the Intermediate People’s Court in Zhumadian City, Henan province, said on its official WeChat account that five defendants connected to Xincaifu had been tried and sentenced to 14.5 to 16.5 years in prison and fined hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For now, the families of Ou, Shi and Hu are waiting to learn whether the trio will be prosecuted, while other depositors continue the fight to recover their savings.

“This is our whole family’s money, earned through blood and sweat,” said one depositor. “I’m not going to give up.”


  • Reuters with additional editing by Jim Pollard



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Jim Pollard

Jim Pollard is an Australian journalist based in Thailand since 1999. He worked for News Ltd papers in Sydney, Perth, London and Melbourne before travelling through SE Asia in the late 90s. He was a senior editor at The Nation for 17+ years.


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