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Latest News: China-US Economic Ties

Global Economy Showing Signs of De-Dollarisation, Says JPMorgan
Foxconn’s May Sales Down 9.5% On-Year Amid Phone Weakness
World Big Enough for China And US, Says Beijing’s Defence Chief
Biden Urged to Hit Back at China Over Micron Ban, Rally Allies
BRICS Looking to Counter Sanctions With Alternative Currencies
Foreigners Pulled $1.7 Billion Out of China Shares in May
US to Target Investment in China Chips, AI, Quantum Computing
Xi Warns Military ‘be Ready for Worst-Case Scenarios’ – Xinhua
China Gives Elon Musk a Superstar Welcome, High-Level Access
China Strains, AI Top of The Agenda at US, EU Summit Talks
US Funds Pull $6 Billion From China ADRs as Tensions Rise
Xi is Bigger Threat Than Putin: Ex-Canadian PM – Globe+Mail

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