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Corporates and Enterprise bonds lead ATF index gains

(ATF) All the ATF indices closed in positive territory on Wednesday, with the ATF ALLINDEX Corporates and Enterprise leading the gains and rising 0.03%. The flagship China Bond 50 index, along with the ATF ALLINDEX Financial and Local Governments inched up 0.01%.

The ATF ALLINDEX Corporates gauge rose by 0.45% on Wednesday.

The ATF ALLINDEX Enterprise sub-index increased by 0.45%.

Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry, a constituent of both the ATF ALLINDEX Corporates and Enterprise, rose 0.45% and pushed up both these indices.

Other gains include Zhejiang Provincial Energy (0.05%), Hebei Iron and Steel (0.03%) and Jizhong Energy Group (0.02%) in the ATF ALLINDEX Corporates, and China State Construction Engineering (0.19%) and Dalian Port Group (0.55%) in the ATF ALLINDEX Enterprise gauge, with Nanjing Metro Group losing 0.21%.

The ATF China Bond 50 index edged up 0.01% on Wednesday.

China Development Bank’s bonds lost 0.23% and dragged down the China Bond 50 index, although gains were seen in the bonds of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (0.11%) and China State Construction Engineering (0.19%). The latter is a constituent of both the ATF ALLINDEX Enterprise and the China Bond 50 index.

The ATF ALLINDEX Financial sub-index was up by 0.01%.

The gains in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank’s bonds boosted the ATF ALLINDEX Financial, of which it is also a constituent, along with GMAC-SAIC Automotive’s paper. These bonds rose 0.12%. Huishang Bank and Xiamen International Bank posted smaller gains, rising 0.03% and 0.05% respectively.

All the constituents of the ATF ALLINDEX Local Government gauge rose 0.01%.

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