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Didi Hong Kong listing rumours emerge again

(ATF) China’s Uber equivalent Didi Chuxing plans to go public this year, and may choose Hong Kong for its listing.

The target valuation is about $60-$80 billion according to Qilu news. The ride-hailing startup is working with investment banks including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase, the report added.

Didi has not yet responded to the report. Rumours about a potential Didi listing have been circulating since October. Didi has refused to confirm the reports , saying only that it had no clear IPO plan or timetable.

The latest report comes at a sensitive time for big tech platforms like Didi, as Chinese authorities are looking under the rugs for antitrust and monopolistic practices in the sector.

Well-known tech billionaire Jack Ma is incommunicado and other tech CEOs are not wanting to appear brash or overly flamboyant in the current atmosphere.

Chris Gill

With over 30 years reporting on China, Gill offers a daily digest of what is happening in the PRC.