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Latest News: Economic Ramifications

EU Warns Indonesia over Trade Pact: Jakarta Post
South Korea Faces ‘Japanification’ Risk, Says Nomura
China’s Power Woes May Worsen Amid Demand Surge, Coal Lag
China Seeks To Quell Power Crunch Fears, As Coal Prices Soar, Winter Nears
What Is Behind China’s Power Supply Crunch?
China’s Power Crunch Begins To Weigh on Economic Outlook
Unleashing Reforms, Xi Returns To China’s Socialist Roots
Alibaba, Tech Titans To Invest Billions In China’s ‘Common Prosperity’ Plans
What Is China’s ‘Common Prosperity’ Drive and Why Does It Matter?
Emerging Markets Face Heightened Risk of Financial Crises as Rates Rise: Nomura
China Probes Party Chief in Tech Hub Hangzhou, Home to Alibaba Group
China, Malaysia Seen Among States at Worst Risk of Climate Defaults

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