Sandwiched between Russia and China, Mongolia has cultivated allies – like the US – in a bid reinforce its independence, but its economy relies heavily on its giant neighbours
Some of the biggest rare-earth companies outside of China are facing challenges in refining elements for the green energy transition
Chinese companies across the clean technology supply chain are looking to lock up access to resources amid forecasts of booming long-term demand
Sanctions imposed recently by the EU and the US Treasury aim to cut the Myanmar military's capacity to access foreign cash and limit its ability to wage war on its citizens
Only four of 87 mines sold to companies over the past three years are operating. The rest have yet to get funding, as banks prefer renewable projects, partly because of coal's decreasing viability
China's looming export controls create doubt on the supply of a metal some say is a game changer for EV chargers. Carmakers may shift to silicon carbide if they can't find other sources
Firms across the globe are scrambling to assess the impact on supply chains from restrictions China announced this week, with a focus on finding alternatives for key components
Alberta Industrial Heartland and the Hong Kong-based private equity firm Can-China Global Resource Fund (CCGRF) have ended their tie-up amid 'big losses' and eroded bilateral ties
Global lithium demand is predicted to exceed supply by 500,000 metric tons in 2030 despite 45 mines operating in the world last year and 11 more due to open
As lithium prices fall and concerns rise around the environmental impact of lithium mining, China's Yichun city finds itself running short of achieving ambitious targets
Dozens of fossil fuel companies have set net-zero emissions targets, but these moves are regarded as "largely meaningless" because most fail to address key concerns
The investment, from a British consortium that includes mining giant Glencore, will go into a wind energy-powered industrial park on Sulawesi island