China dependence on foreign sources of battery metals such as nickel, lithium and cobalt poses a risk to its electric vehicle industry, a metals industry official said on Friday.
Mining giant Anglo-American has unveiled a prototype of what it says is the world’s largest hydrogen-powered mining truck
Rare earth mines surged from a small number to "more than 2,700 mining collection pools at almost 300 separate locations over an area the size of Singapore," Global Witness reported.
The news, announced by Investment Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan on Monday, follows a meeting between Tesla chief Elon Musk and President Joko Widodo in Texas in May
The Las Bambas project is surrounded by impoverished indigenous communities who have often complained the mine has failed to benefit them financially.
Less frosty ties between Beijing and Canberra could prompt a resumption of Australian coal exports to China, but that could...
BHP has seven coal mining operations generating the mineral for use in steel production in a partnership with Japan’s Mitsubishi
World's biggest miner is struggling with Covid-19-related labour shortages and soaring production costs, says pain will linger into 2023
Lake uses an extraction technology developed by Lilac Solutions known as direct lithium extraction but J Capital Research criticised its claim to be cleaner
Tianqi Lithium shares started trading at HK$74.50 ($9.49) each before bouncing back to its debut price of HK$82 - in a recovery important for the group and the Hong Kong Exchange
US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said she was worried that a future conflict could undermine access to natural resources in the way that the Russia-Ukraine war has hit oil and gas
The IEA and the US say the energy crisis stemming from curbs on Russia should be a warning for Indo-Pacific nations to focus on shifting away from fossil fuels and China's solar tech suppliers