Chief executive will leave her position once a successor is found but the company did not provide a timeframe for the transition
The resource-poor country relies on a single hydroelectric plant and has gone into winter with the worst drought in more than a decade
The original underground mining team has been commissioned to map and sample the ore to better understand potential extensions
The price increases are among the first signals that the new Omicron variant could cause supply-side pressures and commodity price rises
Tsingshan and fellow Chinese firm Chengxin Lithium Group will produce 60,000 tonnes per year of lithium chemicals at a processing facility in Indonesia
Limited supply of lithium and cobalt - the key constituents of a Li-ion battery - is also behind the global hunt for a replacement, which may become ready by 2030
Some analysts fear the jump in prices of lithium, a key constituent of batteries that drive electric vehicles, could cool people’s adoption of electric vehicles
China accounts for 57% of global supply of the metal and previously exported 5-6 million tonnes annually
Tata-owned facility is one of the UK’s top carbon polluters and will need to find ways to make steel with less carbon dioxide output
The mineral is highly sought-after and a key component in lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and battery storage systems
Discussions follow US and European Union move to end dispute and hammer out deal to combat "dirty" production and overcapacity
Rare earths, copper, chromium, tungsten, petroleum and natural gas are among the items on the National Development and Reform Commission menu