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Latest News: New Energy

Excess Capacity Claim is Wrong, We’re More Competitive: China
China Battery Storage Capacity Growth Seen Slowing as Costs Bite
China Firms Order Dozens of Ships For EV, Exports Surge
China Solar Firms Paying Price of Global Dominance – FT
BYD Leads China EV Charge Despite Sluggish Sector Growth
US Won’t Allow Chinese Imports to Kill New Industries: Yellen
Yellen Warns China on ‘Excess Production, Unfair Trade’
Yellen Warning to China on Oversupply Seen Falling on Deaf Ears
China’s Solar Sector Seen Facing Years of Oversupply, Low Prices
China’s Oil Giants Rush to Adapt as Buyers Shift to EVs
Korea ‘Artificial Sun’ Sets Record At 100 Million Degrees – CNN
China’s BYD Delays EV Factory; Solid-State Batteries ‘Unsafe’

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