The progress made on reducing emissions intensity could help India avert pressure by developed nations to stop using coal, officials said
Analysts say a review by Congress of stock holdings in BlackRock funds could lead to a wider crackdown on US investment in China funds
China and Saudi Arabia have begun discussion on allowing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to list on their countries' stock exchanges in a move to deep financial ties
India and Thailand are contenders for production sites for a small electric vehicle made by Foxconn's Mobility in Harmony, CEO Jack Cheng said
The deals follow the introduction of the US's Inflation Reduction Act, designed to wean the US off the Chinese supply chain for electric vehicles
Sukbae Lee, one of the scientists that the alleged superconductor LK-99 is named after, said the claims were in the process of being peer-reviewed
Together, the unusual coalition of competitors, aims to roll out 30,000 chargers in North America, which would be significantly higher than Tesla's fast-chargers
The battery giant is shadowed by increasing competition from rivals like BYD, a capacity glut with its production facilities and headwinds in its efforts to expand globally
US-based investment firm Bain Capital said on Sunday it will bulk the bulk of Adani Capital and Adani Housing for $120m and a liquidity line of $50m. Gaurav Gupta will continue as CEO.
Indians are questioning the government's disaster management and slack response to global warming after monsoon rains wreaked havoc, and damage of $2 billion, in the country's north
Only four of 87 mines sold to companies over the past three years are operating. The rest have yet to get funding, as banks prefer renewable projects, partly because of coal's decreasing viability
Experts say any move to cooperate on cutting emissions of methane – a greenhouse gas responsible for roughly 30% of global warming – would be positive