Osaka Gas said on Tuesday it will provide technical support for a $10.75bn green hydrogen project in the Australian outback and will consider investment in the Desert Bloom Hydrogen scheme
If new technologies work, they will help boost lithium production with a footprint smaller than open-pit mines and evaporation ponds, which often are the size of multiple football fields
Argentina is pushing Beijing to fully finance a new $8.3 billion nuclear power plant in the country, as the government grapples with high debt
Oxford-based First Light Fusion has been developing an approach called projectile fusion since 2011 and produced energy in the form of neutrons
Chinese EV maker Nio is in talks with several other carmakers about licensing battery swapping technology that is at the heart of the group's strategy to win over motorists in Europe
The Japanese bike majors are forming a new company called Gachaco, which will also develop infrastructure to support the battery swapping service
BYD's Han DM-i model is expected to sell more than 30,000 units per month, while price rises of raw material prices are slowing down
The Brazilian company will provide the cells, while Horwin Brasil will produce the "brain" of the component, in addition to the motorcycles themselves
Sharing images of his arrival at the country’s Parliament, Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari’s official Twitter account said the Indian government is dedicated to a green hydrogen mission.
Uranium prices, which plunged after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, have surged in the past year as more nuclear power stations are set to be built globally
The actions include support to boost domestic production, alternative procurement and to help technological developments to reduce use of the materials
Thailand, along with most other countries in Southeast Asia, has been slow off the blocks to embrace EVs, but demand is starting to gain momentum