Consultancy's work is often not focused on reducing environmental impact, but instead on cutting costs, boosting productivity and increasing profits
Wholesale price of the fuel has risen higher than the retail price, prompting drivers to shun long-distance routes
BP's call comes in the wake of a spike in energy prices to record heights that threatens to derail a global recovery from the pandemic
(AF) The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) minister of Industry and Advanced Technology Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber promised to help...
Recently appointed board of directors is considering whether to continue with several fossil fuel investments
China said it is looking for ways to tame record high coal prices and that it would ensure coal mines operate at full capacity to tide over a crippling power shortage
City state’s gas terminal operator takes surprise step as global shortages put energy supplies at risk.
Once tipped as a global growth pole for LNG adoption, Southeast Asia is now rethinking its energy mix plans as prices double in a month
Chinese buyers are seeking more LNG despite record prices, bidding above market rates as they move into winter with their gas inventory not full, trade sources said
OPEC+ to increase production by 400,000 bpd Talks restarted after UAE pullout put agreement on ice Will meet again in...
Japan’s major gas supplier is to test run a new ‘methanation’ process which converts hydrogen and CO2 into synthesised methane as it focuses on being carbon neutral by 2050
With 600 coal plants being planned by five Asian countries, think tank says decarbonised future is a long way off...