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Latest: Energy News

Japan Faces Historic Current Account Deficit – Nikkei
Japan Faces Historic Current Account Deficit – Nikkei

The deficit could reach $130 billion for fiscal 2022 if crude oil bounces back to $130 a barrel and the yen trades at 120 against the dollar

Miner Rio Tinto Faces Criticism Over Emissions Targets
Miner Rio Tinto Faces Criticism Over Emissions Targets

The Anglo-Australian miner recorded its best ever annual profit in 2021 and gave shareholders a record full-year dividend of $16.8 billion

Saudis to Sell Less Crude to China, India Refiners in May
Saudis to Sell Less Crude to China, India Refiners in May

China's request for lower volumes followed that of India, where at least two refiners had planned to buy less Saudi oil than usual in May

Japan to Gradually Reduce Coal Imports From Russia
Global Energy Companies Push for New Lithium Process
India Offers to Work With IEA Nations on Oil Release
UN Agency Urges China to Accelerate Green Energy Plan
China to Control Exports of High Carbon Petrochem Products
China State Refiners Shun New Russian Oil Trades
Qingdao Receives First Qatar LNG Shipment – Doha News

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Energy: The Big Picture

India Is Likely Exporting Refined Russian Oil to the West

India’s fast-rising Russian oil imports are being matched by its rising oil exports suggesting it may be reselling Russia’s oil to the West.