"The reactivation of coal power plants in a number of European countries has contributed to the rise of global coal demand," Indonesia's energy minister said.
Mining giant expects global steel consumption to increase by 42 million tonnes in 2030 and 76m tonnes in 2050, due to soaring demand for solar and wind power equipment.
US Treasury has imposed sanctions on an Indian petrochemical firm and groups in the UAE and Hong Kong for secret deals that funded the shipping of Iranian oil products to South and East Asia
Mashreq Bank in Dubai declined a request to take payments from at least Indian two refiners in Emirati dirhams, forcing the buyers to pay for crude in US dollars, sources say
China installed a massive 53 gigawatts of renewable energy in the first half of 2022, but it also approved $26-33 billion of investment in the coal power and steel sectors, a new report said
Adani said 70% of the $100 billion-plus his group will invest over the next decade will go to "energy transition", adding that they are already the world’s largest solar player
China provided 5.37 million renewable energy jobs last year – more than the US, the EU, South America and Africa put together, the International Labour Organization said
Mining giant Anglo-American has unveiled a prototype of what it says is the world’s largest hydrogen-powered mining truck
The goal of the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak project is to unlock the secret to clean and limitless energy on earth, with minimal waste products
The US state department says it is aware of talks between Russia and India concerning the purchase of oil. It has no objection to India buying Russian oil, provided it buys at discount
Hundreds of people have died and thousands have been detained in Kazakhstan during the worst violence seen in the Central Asian nation since it became independent in the early 1990s. The unrest in Kazakhstan poses risks for energy markets, and even cryptocurrencies.