Prices of gallium and germanium have nearly doubled in the months since China tamped down their exports
China’s decision to restrict exports of antimony from mid-September could push the metal's price to $30,000 a ton, traders say
Some 73 companies are now on the US blacklist. New additions include Rare Earth Magnesium Technology Group in Hong Kong and Century Sunshine Group, which make magnesium fertilizer and alloy products.
Pushback on the timeline for the switch away from fossil fuels is casting a shadow over lithium, cobalt and copper projects, claim industry players
The new rules, which take effect in October, say the State Council will establish a rare earth product traceability information system. They also seek to protect domestic supply of critical minerals.
More than 230 million tonnes of managanese nodules have been found off Japan's most eastern island, according to a survey team, who said work to extract the rare minerals will begin next year
Li Qiang ended his four-day trip to Australia on Tuesday with a visit to a lithium processing plant, after embassy officials 'clumsy' bid to hide jailed journalist from cameras
Western governments are offering incentives to Brazil to develop a rare earths supply chain. It has large reserves and its first rare earths mine started commercial production this year
Analysts say they foresee a shift to factories in Mexico, Vietnam or other parts of Southeast Asia, by Chinese carmakers and other firms in a bid to avoid US tariffs; Beijing accuses US of 'bullying'
Total Chinese exports to Germany have dropped amid Berlin’s decoupling push but pharmaceuticals and rare earths supplies have increased
Industry sources said a merger or partnership deal would have been tricky, partly because rare earths prices have dropped sharply due to a slowdown in China's economy
The comic, published by the country's intelligence agency, is a new effort by the authoritarian Xi Jinping-government to 'inspire people' to join anti-espionage efforts