The US is concerned that low output of minerals essential to build future tech may leave it beholden to China and others that have heavily invested in mining
Industrial materials firm Syrah plans to add 180,000 square feet of real estate to its existing 50,000 square-foot Louisiana facility
Shenghe plans to buy a 19.9% stake in Australia's Peak Rare Earths, which runs a project in Tanzania, to secure more overseas resources amid surging prices.
The Chinese price of praseodymium-neodymium alloy, used to make super strong magnets for EV motors, doubled last year and has already shot up 10% this year
Ahead of a visit to Beijing, he said there were "substantial" financial, industrial, technological and human resource opportunities for Russia and China
The Australian government agreed on Wednesday to provide a US$100m loan to fund the Yangibana rare earths mine proposed by Hastings Technology Metals in the Gascoyne region
Two US senators sent a letter to US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo complaining her department is hampering efforts to restrict exports to China chip maker SMIC.
Beijing also set the quota for smelting and separation, the ministries of Industry and Information Technology and Natural Resources said
Tong Lee Seung Industrial Development gained permission to excavate 3 square kilometres in Xieng Khouang province’s Phaxay district
Move by Serbia comes as it approaches an election, and as ties between Belgrade and Canberra sour after Sunday's high-profile deportation of Novak Djokovic
Legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate on Friday would force defense contractors to stop buying rare earths from China by 2026.
Washington is keen to help allies that can produce rare earths as an alternative to sourcing the materials in China and Lynas has become a critical partner in that effort