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Evergrande’s Services Unit Stake Falls After Forced Selling

The services unit’s pledged shares were last enforced a year ago, when the group’s ownership was reduced from 60.96%

China Evergrande shares dropped on Monday after several of employees of its wealth management unit were arrested on Saturday.
Saddled with more than $300 billion in liabilities, the Evergrande Group is undergoing a debt restructuring after it defaulted in late 2021. Photo: Reuters.


China Evergrande Group’s shareholding in its property services unit dropped to 51.7% from 58.2%, following the forced sale of its pledged shares by a third party.

The forced sale involved 700 million shares of the Evergrande Property Services Group, a Hong Kong stock exchange filing showed.

It followed actions taken on December 14 to enforce rights to the shares held as security against the debt-ridden property developer.


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Reuters said it could not immediately determine who sold the pledged shares.

The services unit’s pledged shares were last enforced a year ago, when the group’s ownership reduced from 60.96%.

Trading in shares of both Evergrande Group and Evergrande Property Services has been suspended since March, pending the release of their 2021 financial results and an investigation of a bank enforcement of a pledge guarantee of the services unit.

Saddled with more than $300 billion in liabilities, the Evergrande Group is undergoing a debt restructuring after it defaulted late last year.


  • Reuters, with additional editing by Vishakha Saxena


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Vishakha Saxena

Vishakha Saxena is the Multimedia and Social Media Editor at Asia Financial. She has worked as a digital journalist since 2013, and is an experienced writer and multimedia producer. As a trader and investor, she is keenly interested in new economy, emerging markets and the intersections of finance and society. You can write to her at [email protected]