The group said unidentified hackers stole 173,600 ether tokens and 25.5 million USD Coin tokens on March 23, but most tokens remain in the hackers' digital wallet
Malaysia's digital asset market continued to grow last year, with about 21 billion ringgit ($4.97bn) in assets traded on the country's four registered digital asset exchanges
Japan will revise its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act in the current parliamentary session to prevent sanction-busting by Russia via digital assets, the Cabinet secretary said
While the BOJ had made no decision yet whether to issue its own digital currency, its governor told parliament it was proceeding with experiments
In a note to shareholders, Fink said the war will push countries to reassess currency dependencies, and that BlackRock is studying digital currencies and stablecoins as client interest soars
Business operators must not provide crypto payment services and are barred from acting in a manner that promotes the use of digital assets
The company will be the exclusive cryptocurrency trading platform for the showpiece event in Qatar, which runs from November 21 to December 18
Project Dunbar is jointly led by the BIS Innovation Hub, the Reserve Bank of Australia, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the South African Reserve Bank
The sector posted net outflows of $47 million in the week ended March 18, after experiencing outflows of $110 million the previous week
The country’s cryptocurrency exchanges say the move is a ‘backwards step’ and will deter investors
The Financial Stability Board is closely scrutinising the use of cryptoassets during the war in Ukraine after concerns they could be used to evade Western sanctions on Russia
The Reserve Bank of India said the spiralling oil and gas prices and unsettled financial market conditions pose fresh headwinds to the global recovery