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Latest News: Cyber Security

China Chipmaker Fujian Jinhua Cleared in US Trade Secrets Case
Lockbit Cybercrime Gang Claims It’s Up And Running Again
China Plan to Train 45,000 Firms in Hacker Protection Measures
China Facing a WikiLeaks-Style Crisis From Hacking Firm’s Data
AI Chiefs Say Deepfakes a Threat to World, Call For Regulation
Russians Named as West Smashes Lockbit Ransomware Gang
Fake Chinese Accounts Flourish on X, Analysis Shows – WaPo
Japan Leaders Want Law on Generative AI ‘Within the Year’
China, North Korea Hackers Using Generative AI, Microsoft Says
US Utility to Drop Storage Batteries from Chinese Supplier CATL
UN: North Korea Cyberattacks Pocketed Regime $3bn – Guardian
Shanghai to Allow Faster Offshore Data Transfers for Foreign Firms

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