Use of the encrypted messaging app, crypto and deepfakes are new tech devices that officials around the world are struggling to counter, a new UN crime report says
Top analyst says crime zones are seeing a huge inflow of stolen funds; calls for sanctions to be imposed on Karen warlord who hosts scam centres on the Thai-Myanmar border
US intelligence officials have stepped up warnings in recent weeks that foreign actors like Russia, Iran and China are exploiting artificial intelligence to interfere in the upcoming US election
Sources say the Commerce Dept is set to propose a ban on Chinese software and hardware in cars on US roads due to national security concerns
Survey confirms young adults worry about the addictive nature of social media. Meanwhile, the US and other are moving to make online platforms more safe and healthy for kids
Vietnam has been warned that using a firm like HMN Technologies to build subsea cables could deter US companies from investing in the country, sources say
Taiwan company says pagers were made in Budapest, while analysts say small explosive was likely planted in devices used by Hezbollah and that the attack may spur fears about handsets
Parents want their kids off devices, according to the PM, who said the government would introduce minimum age laws for social media later this year
Guo, who is accused of links to online casinos that were a front for scam centres and human trafficking syndicates, was deported from Jakarta on Friday
Beijing spy chiefs have cautioned students that they could be targeted by attractive operatives working for foreign entities
Report says "active listening" software "captures" users' conversations to better serve the social media giant's advertising partners
Australian trial concludes humans still have the edge on artificial intelligence when it comes to summarising reports