The company has had issues accessing some projects in New South Wales due to flooding, while a worker crunch caused by Covid-19 has made it tough to staff operations
EV giant has reportedly resumed production of its Model 3 and Model Y models in the city after a three-week long halt caused by Covid lockdowns
Traders and analysts expect lending rates will be lowered this week for China's commercial banks to aid an economy hit by Covid lockdowns
The Chinese president's high-profile reiteration of the policy reflects a political imperative not to reverse course and look weak in a year in which he needs to appear strong
Vice-Premier wants local government to help key companies get back to work after weeks of lockdowns in Shanghai and other cities.
Tesla has recalled workers to its factory to prepare for the restart, which could happen on Tuesday, as the city accelerated efforts to exit a Covid lockdown
With no end in sight to a lockdown that for some has lasted four weeks, frustrations are mounting behind the shuttered gates of the city's tower blocks
The target will require officials to accelerate testing and the transfer of positive cases to quarantine centres
Consul General Shuichi Akamatsu's letter comes as most of Shanghai's 25 million residents remain under strict lockdowns
The Sinopharm candidates will be tested as boosters in adults who have already received two or three vaccine doses
The new restrictions highlight broad supply chain disruptions that are seen likely to lead to delays in shipments from companies including Apple
Hundreds of toll stations at exits from highways and highway service stations have been shut in China this month, official data has shown.