The number of Chinese blacklisted for defaulting on debts has hit a record high, which means millions can be blocked from using mobile apps for payments
Jakarta and the Asian Development Bank have agreed to a deal that will see a 660-MW coal plant in West Java shut seven years earlier than scheduled
The US will give $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, sources said Saturday. The fund helps poor countries lower emissions and transition to clean energy
Big cities are the places making a real impact on cutting emissions, the head of a global cities network says in the lead-up to the climate summit in UAE, which mayors will join for the first time
Move to 'de-risk' supply chains is leading some biotech firms to consider using Indian drug manufacturers to produce active pharmaceutical ingredient for clinical trials or other work
The spike in infections poses fresh risks for the Chinese economy which is still struggling to emerge from the economic hit from two-years of of Covid-related lockdowns and restrictions
India and China are expected to oppose the move to block private funding for coal-fired power plants. Both claim their citizens still need more energy from fossil fuel sources.
New report says waste from garment makers is having severe health impacts on workers at Cambodian brick kilns, where the clothing materials are used as fuel
Xi came into the meeting looking for respect from the US, and also seeking to improve fast-cooling business dealings with the world's biggest economy
Chief Executive John Lee said he would be introducing "patriotic" education in local schools and cybersecurity would also be strengthened
With tens of thousands of residents leaving and China's slow economy, business in Hong Kong has yet to recover from Beijing's national security crackdown in mid-2020
Senator Chuck Schumer said "there seems to be a difference" in China's current posture compared to previous engagement with US officials