The US Treasury has imposed sanctions on two Chinese traders and a North Korean bank agent for laundering millions in crypto stolen by a notorious hacking group and used to pay for missiles
The foreign ministry said on Monday that China respects the status of former Soviet member states after its envoy in Paris questioned their legal basis as sovereign nations.
Greenpeace says China should add more storage capacity and make its power grid flexible so it can respond better to periods of high demand, rather than building more coal plants
The carmaker said on the weekend it would offer a new, cheaper version of its Model Y in Canada at C$10,000 ($7,378), while Ottawa said the car should also qualify for a hefty subsidy.
New national electric vehicle strategy will introduce a fuel efficiency standard that will outline how much carbon dioxide a car will produce when running
Treasury Secretary says the US seeks "constructive and fair" economic ties with China and urges cooperation on global debt crises, climate change and ending the war in Ukraine
Rice production for 2023 is set to log its largest shortfall in two decades, a report by Fitch Solutions has warned
A severe heatwave extending across much of Asia has been described as "the worst April heatwave in Asian history" by a climatologist and weather historian
Tech firm sold the drives to Huawei between August 2020 and Sept 2021 despite an August 2020 rule banning certain foreign items made with US technology to the company
German foreign minister Anna Baerbock said China wants to follow its own rules at the expense of the international rules-based order and is increasingly a systemic rival.
New satellite images reveal that construction has resumed for the first time since 2018 on China’s fifth station in the southern polar region
Some 15 agreements were signed during Lula's visit to Beijing, including deals to cooperate on semiconductors, a satellite to monitor the Amazon and cyber security