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Latest News: Market Insights

China Evergrande Gets Notice for $4.5bn from Shengjing Bank
Governance Fears on China Property Firms as Auditors Quit
South Korean Economy Slowing, October Exports Fall 5.7%
Fund Managers Turn to Asia Products With No China Exposure
Japan Draws up $200bn Extra Budget to Ease Living Costs
Chipmaker SK Hynix to Slash Investment as Recession Looms
China’s Yuan Rebounds Sharply, As Fed Slowdown Tipped
Japan Spent $6bn in Monday’s Suspected Yen Intervention
China Seen Moving to Curb Risks in $1.4tn Money Market Funds
China’s Yuan Drops Near 15-Year Low After Investors’ Sell-off
More Yen Intervention Suspected, But BOJ Unfazed by Its Slump
Unveiling of ‘Team Xi’ Spurs Hong Kong Stock, Yuan Plunge

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