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Latest News: Market Insights

Candidates Allied to Khan Demand Release of Pakistan Poll Results
US Utility to Drop Storage Batteries from Chinese Supplier CATL
Nvidia Plans New Unit to Target $30bn Custom Chip Market
Western Investment Banks Brace for Job Cuts as China Woes Rise
US Panel Wants Investment Ban on Critical Tech Sectors in China
China Sees Record Bank Loans in January to Spur Economy
China Stocks See Best Week in a Year Despite Downcast Economy
China’s Bid to ‘Cheat’ a Way to Chip Prominence is Failing: Envoy
Venture Capitalists’ Backing China Put Democracy at Risk – NYP
Reports of Violent Protests by North Korean Workers in China
China’s Electric Vehicle Sales Fell 37% in January from December
China Sees Biggest Fall in Consumer Prices Since 2009

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AF China Bond