The travel alert comes after Beijing threatened last week that it would execute people deemed 'die-hard' independence supporters
The huge surge in Indian equity deals is expected to continue in the second half, and some analysts say more IPOs could also be seen in Hong Kong
The bond bull run mirrors investor pessimism over an economy grappling with a real estate crisis, local government debt woes and heightened geopolitical risks
Thai banks were involved in $120 million worth of weapons and related materials exported to Myanmar in the 2023-24 fiscal year – "sustaining the junta's campaign of violence," the official said
At least eight major listed companies in China have disclosed that they’ve received demands to pay historical taxes, in one case going as far back as the 1990s
Buffett’s holdings in the carmaker are down more than 70% amid increasing technology and trade tensions between the United States and China
Increasing disruptions mean global buyers face the risk of another spate of price increases like the post-pandemic inflation spike which central banks are still trying to tame
China objects to envoy's claim that it is blocking people from attending US embassy events, despite Xi's pledge in November to try to improve bilateral ties
More than 230 million tonnes of managanese nodules have been found off Japan's most eastern island, according to a survey team, who said work to extract the rare minerals will begin next year
Tokyo has said it will revise first-quarter GDP figures to correct construction orders data and announce the outcome on July 1. Analysts fear it could affect BOJ forecasts and its next rate hike
The conglomerate will look at options from mergers to divestments as it seeks to manage its many subsidiaries and bloated main businesses weighing on its finances
Tokyo imposed asset freezes and export bans on 11 companies, plus groups in five countries last Friday over sanctions related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine