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Investors Made Millions on Obscure Crypto Coins – NYT

Ranks of cryptocurrency speculators have swelled, with even obscure tokens minting the newly wealthy: at least on the blockchain

Even after the drop in cryptocurrency prices dampened some of the hype, the gains remain staggering. Photo: Reuters.


Etienne vantKruys, a globe-trotting cryptocurrency investor from Amsterdam, was hunting for a new investment two summers ago when he met some early backers of Luna, a digital coin that offers a framework for decentralised finance, The New York Times reported, adding that being impressed by their commitment to the project, he bought $25,000 of Luna for 20 to 35 cents a coin.

These days, despite a recent fall in cryptocurrency prices, the value of a Luna coin is up to about $50. VantKruys’ original investment? It’s now worth about $5 million on paper.


Read the full report: The New York Times.




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Sean O'Meara

Sean O'Meara is an Editor at Asia Financial. He has been a newspaper man for more than 30 years, working at local, regional and national titles in the UK as a writer, sub-editor, page designer and print editor. A football, cricket and rugby fan, he has a particular interest in sports finance.