Local government bodies accumulated an estimated $18 trillion of debt last year, according to CNN, which said the problem is so bad some cities have cut basic services and are at risk of default
Adani’s firm reportedly held extensive discussions with investment bankers and institutional investors over the weekend to attract subscriptions to the FPO
The world's third largest carbon polluter projects it needs $10 trillion to $15 trillion in investment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070
Friday's stock market rout dragged shares of group flagship Adani Enterprises 11% below the minimum offer price of the record share sale
The global lender had only last year suggested the central bank maintain its ultra-loose policy to support Japan's recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic
Hindenburg says it looks for "man-made disasters," such as accounting irregularities, mismanagement and undisclosed related-party transactions
The sudden shift in Chinese policy has boosted many different asset classes, with billions pouring into emerging-market debt and equity funds in the week to Wednesday, BofA data showed
The tough stand by Japan's central bank to retain ultra-low rates appears to have cooled a hot market full of speculators who bet the Bank of Japan would drop its rates and bond yield policy
UK bank does first treasury bond futures transaction in China, with the permission of regulators, who are working to attract investors after months of foreign outflows
Japan’s central bank surprised markets with its bond yield tweak which boosted the yen and cooled the red-hot US dollar’s charge
The Japanese yen hit a four-month high, while the Nikkei share index fell 2.5% after the Bank of Japan shocked markets on Tuesday by lifting the cap on bond yield controls.
A voice clip of Hui Ka-Yan was posted on social media on Friday just as rumours circulated that he had jumped off a building on the mainland, report says