Analysts say there are contradictions and gaps in government plan to boost consumption while curbing debt and overcapacity that undermine confidence in the Beijing's ability to keep growth around 5%
QDII fund units jumped 50% year-on-year to a record high in January amid 'insane' demand. The scramble for offshore assets is putting pressure on China's capital account and currency
Policy advisers expect the National People's Congress next week will focus on near-term support for the country's sputtering economy, rather than bold policy reforms
Deutsche Bank is preparing to file a liquidation suit against Shimao in a Hong Kong court this month - a rare move by a foreign firm that stems from disappointment over the builder's debt rejig plan
China's biggest developer, now in default, vows to fight petition filed by a creditor for non-payment of a $205m loan; stock plunge drags Hang Seng down amid fears case could hit sector's recovery
Offshore creditors plan to sue state-owned Shenzhen SEZ Construction and Development, which holds 29% of China South City, because of a 'keepwell provision' in its bonds
Three big cities have eased home-buying curbs, while first loans have been approved for projects on official 'white-lists', amid moves to bolster the real estate sector after court orders liquidation of debt-laden China Evergrande
The verdict in Hong Kong came as no surprise. Analysts are now anxious to see how courts on the mainland react to this outcome, and what impact it will have on moves to rev up the economy
A Hong Kong Court is due to hear applications on Monday to wind up the world's most indebted developer in what may be one of the biggest and most complex liquidation cases ever.
Move to relax lending rules seen as unlikely to have a significant impact because banks won't lend to private developers unless they're forced to, analysts say
The group owns more than $2 billion in offshore notes guaranteed by the real estate firm which faces $300bn in liabilities
Japan’s central bank signalled it could begin phasing out its huge stimulus programme but refused to reveal a timetable