The ADB has already agreed an emergency loan of $200 million to ensure access to food and protect livelihoods in Sri Lanka
India's move on Thursday is expected to lead to price increases by other major exporters, like Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar. It could hit China and the Philippines hardest.
India’s fast-rising Russian oil imports are being matched by its rising oil exports suggesting it may be reselling Russia’s oil to the West.
The move by Beijing is seen as a bid gain more leverage over some of the world's biggest mining conglomerates
The deal will give the global miner ownership of Turquoise Hill's 66% stake in Oyu Tolgoi, the world's largest known copper and gold deposits, 550km south of Mongolia's capital Ulaanbaatar
China dependence on foreign sources of battery metals such as nickel, lithium and cobalt poses a risk to its electric vehicle industry, a metals industry official said on Friday.
Some 25 out of 30 respondents in a snap poll predicted a 10-basis-point reduction in the one-year loan prime rate, which banks charge their best clients.
HKEX has suffered a notable decline in listings and trading at its two Hong Kong exchanges from both China's economic slowdown, plus lingering geopolitical tension.
About 200,000 tonnes of copper believed held at storage sites in Qinhuangdao port for Glencore and over a dozen Chinese companies is reportedly missing, the report says
Companies in India use the UAE dirham, the HK dollar, yuan or euro when buying Russian coal, in a bid to avoid the dollar and US sanctions, according to customs data and industry sources
Thousands of people flooded the streets of Dhaka, demanding gas prices are cut to previous levels within 48 hours.
The news, announced by Investment Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan on Monday, follows a meeting between Tesla chief Elon Musk and President Joko Widodo in Texas in May