Analysts say there are contradictions and gaps in government plan to boost consumption while curbing debt and overcapacity that undermine confidence in the Beijing's ability to keep growth around 5%
Government work report says it wants to mobilize resources to raise China's capacity for innovation to help it to become self-sufficient in emerging technologies
The chairman of Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt said over-investment in the industry had led to "severe overcapacity" and caused "significant declines" in industry utilisation
The EU is looking more aid for solar manufacturers, and auctions and support for panels with high environmental and labour standards, which could give EU manufacturers an edge
Premier will outline key economic goals, but may also cast light on "new productive forces" - steps to promote strategic industries such as AI
Thai police helped transfer 900 Chinese nationals who were stuck in a notorious criminal enclave in eastern Myanmar get flights back to their homeland over the past few days
The sinking of the Rubymar on Saturday poses a major environmental threat to the Red Sea as it was carrying 21,000 tons of fertilizer. The ship could also be a subsurface risk to other vessels going through the sea
Information Technology minister said the move on Friday, which follows a long dispute over the group's service fee charges, 'cannot be permitted'
US president has strong political motives for ordering a US review of the security risks presented by Chinese vehicles, analysts say
The state-funded platform called 'Supermind', at a information centre in Shenzhen, aims to be a database on key facets of science and technology, plus experts in the most significant fields
Policy advisers expect the National People's Congress next week will focus on near-term support for the country's sputtering economy, rather than bold policy reforms
Deutsche Bank is preparing to file a liquidation suit against Shimao in a Hong Kong court this month - a rare move by a foreign firm that stems from disappointment over the builder's debt rejig plan