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Latest News: ESG

US Panel Wants Investment Ban on Critical Tech Sectors in China
China’s Bid to ‘Cheat’ a Way to Chip Prominence is Failing: Envoy
Venture Capitalists’ Backing China Put Democracy at Risk – NYP
Reports of Violent Protests by North Korean Workers in China
China’s Electric Vehicle Sales Fell 37% in January from December
Shanghai to Allow Faster Offshore Data Transfers for Foreign Firms
China’s Cheap Solar Panels Killing Europe’s Solar Manufacturers
China Voices Concern Over US Chip Curbs, Cloud Moves, Tariffs
US Treasury Team Flies to China to Discuss Subsidies, Policies
Brokers in China Seen Restricting Cross-Border Stock Trades
Freezing Weather Disrupts New Year Trips Home by Millions of Chinese
China’s Small Exporters Being Crushed by Falling Prices

AF China Bond