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Latest News: Forex

Yuan-Rouble Dealings Skyrocket as Russia Embraces the Redback
China Stocks Rebound on Hopes of Quicker Covid Loosening
China’s Covid Unrest Sees Yuan Drop to Two-Week Low
India’s RBI Opens Accounts for Trade With Russia – IndiaTimes
Yuan Rallies as Dollar Drops on Covid, US Inflation News
Chinese Yuan Close to 15-Year Low After Fed Rate Hike
China to Continue Support For Debt-Laden Pakistan, Says Xi
Japan Threw Record $42.8bn at Propping up Yen in October
Japan Draws up $200bn Extra Budget to Ease Living Costs
India’s Imports From China Soar to Record Level – The Hindu
China’s Yuan Rebounds Sharply, As Fed Slowdown Tipped
Japan Spent $6bn in Monday’s Suspected Yen Intervention

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