The ban could include components already built into the networks, requiring operators to remove and replace them
New financial regulator will replace the banking commission and do some functions of the central bank and securities commission; a national data bureau will also be set up
China’s imports and exports slowed in the first two months of this year, denting hopes of a recovery in the world’s manufacturing hub
China's exports for the January-February period fell by 6.8% over 2022, while imports were down by 10.2%, according to data released on Tuesday
Xi was quoted as saying he was "both happy and worried" – glad about its lead position in the global battery market but fearful given intense rivalry with the West and risks over its high profile
SoftBank has reportedly picked Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays and Mizuho Financial Group to lead the US listing.
The yuan has been weakened by concerns that US interest rates might rise further and geopolitical tensions, which are keeping investment flows away from China
India’s fast-rising Russian oil imports are being matched by its rising oil exports suggesting it may be reselling Russia’s oil to the West.
US tech giant Apple told its Taiwan suppliers that products moving to China must be labelled to state that the island is a part of China and not an independent nation
Despite a moribund British economy and heavy corporate tax, Indian-owned tech firms are growing in the UK.
The Bitcoin mining ban in China last year had collapsed its crypto markets. Despite that, the country has reemerged as a major bitcoin mining hub, according to research by the UK's University of Cambridge.