China wants to show it can manage financial crises prudently without damaging fundamental trust in its governance or markets, says S&P Global.
Hong Kong-listed real estate firms, which plunged more than 10% in the wake of the Chinese property giant’s continuing troubles, edged back up but traders remain twitchy
With US equities priced at historic highs and an unwind of the Fed's easy money policies looming, some worry that a drop in risk appetite could leave global markets vulnerable to a major sell-off
Shares of Tata Steel dropped about 10%, while JSW Steel lost 7.2%, after a month of softening iron ore prices due to the real estate slowdown drastically eroding demand in China
Hong Kong led the equity sell-off as the struggles of China’s second biggest property developer sends shockwaves across the region’s trading floors
One bank is said to be making provisions for non-payment of loan while others prepare to roll over some of their near-term debt obligations
Evergrande's financial woes have potentially destabilising consequences for the banking and financial system that may reverberate through the economy.
India’s fast-rising Russian oil imports are being matched by its rising oil exports suggesting it may be reselling Russia’s oil to the West.
US tech giant Apple told its Taiwan suppliers that products moving to China must be labelled to state that the island is a part of China and not an independent nation
Despite a moribund British economy and heavy corporate tax, Indian-owned tech firms are growing in the UK.
The Bitcoin mining ban in China last year had collapsed its crypto markets. Despite that, the country has reemerged as a major bitcoin mining hub, according to research by the UK's University of Cambridge.