The country’s antitrust watchdog has pulled the plug on a deal that would have given the tech leader control of nearly 80% of its e-gaming industry
Weekly inflows were the largest for three months as Covid’s impact on the global recovery began to be felt and the fear of inflation spread
Japan’s decision to ban fans from most Olympic events as the virus returns with a vengeance across much of the region brought an air pessimism to trading floors
State-owned enterprises made up more than half of the corporate bonds that defaulted in the first half of 2021 ...
CSRC to set up team to review companies’ IPO plans, which will also need ministerial approval; old ‘VIE’ system saw...
Most of the world’s biggest economies have committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions, while groups overseeing trillions of dollars have...
Medical data group abandons plan for US IPO at the last minute after tech crackdown by Chinese regulators on Didi...
India’s fast-rising Russian oil imports are being matched by its rising oil exports suggesting it may be reselling Russia’s oil to the West.
US tech giant Apple told its Taiwan suppliers that products moving to China must be labelled to state that the island is a part of China and not an independent nation
Despite a moribund British economy and heavy corporate tax, Indian-owned tech firms are growing in the UK.
The Bitcoin mining ban in China last year had collapsed its crypto markets. Despite that, the country has reemerged as a major bitcoin mining hub, according to research by the UK's University of Cambridge.