Images and analysis provide a detailed look into Beijing's recent construction along its frontier with the landlocked kingdom
Bond markets in Asia are likely to stay resilient even as the US Federal Reserve begins to unwind stimulus and hike interest rates this year, economists said
City orders a half-day off for staff at companies and other institutions on Wednesday, tells them to keep activities 'relatively static'
Elderly and immuno-compromised residents, who are being prioritised, queue up at health centres to boost defences against virus
Chamber says the US needs to have a cohesive strategy about confronting China on regulatory practices and rights abuses, but also incorporating elements to encourage trade
Petronas and Sarawak Shell Berhad will perform an integrated CCS Area Development Plan study in several locations off Sarawak near the top of Borneo Island
India would need 400,000 public charging stations to serve an estimated two million EVs by 2026, according to a June 2021 report, but it only has 1,038 currently
Anyang, a city with a population of 5 million in central Henan Province, is the latest city in recent weeks to begin city-wide testing and impose strict Covid-19 prevention measures
Officials from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain, and secretary general of GCC will be in China until Friday
The Covid-19 pandemic has driven changes in logistics, which includes acceleration of innovation, automation and digitalisation
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa asks Wang Yi for help to restructure debt repayments so South Asian nation can avoid a major financial crisis, after billions lavished on 'low return' projects
Sri Lanka paid a Chinese company $6.8 million despite rejecting its shipment of organic fertiliser as substandard, even though Colombo has a serious foreign exchange crisis.