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Latest News: Asia

China Think Tank Calls For $280bn Fund to Stabilise Stocks
TSMC Ends Dealings With Firm Seen as Proxy Buyer For Huawei
Climate Change Has Cost China $32 Billion in Just One Quarter
Chinese Media Cut Reports on ‘3nm Chip Designed by Xiaomi’
Chinese Exchange Hits Evergrande Unit, Bosses With Sanctions
US Sets New Rules to Block China, Rivals’ Access to US Data
India And China Resolve Border Row, Agree to Separate Patrols
At COP16, Officials Push to Align Nature And Climate Goals
99% of Players in AI ‘Bubble’ Will go Bust: Baidu CEO – Register
Trump Says He’ll Hit China With Big Tariffs if it Takes Taiwan
Attack on China’s Consulate in Myanmar After New Jets Supplied
China Reduces Key Lending Rates in Bid to Rev up Economy

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