Environmentalists say Hong Kong’s strict quarantine policies - intended to halt Covid-19 at the border and in the community - hurt the environment by generating vast amounts of plastic waste
Retail sales contracted 3.5% in March, which points to increasingly flagging consumption weakened by Covid curbs on travel and social-distancing rules
The Chinese president's high-profile reiteration of the policy reflects a political imperative not to reverse course and look weak in a year in which he needs to appear strong
The deal will lead to the integration of Ant's Alipay+ payment service with 2C2P's platform used by merchants in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas
China Merchants Bank shares plunged the most in seven years after a report that said a bank executive was helping officials with an inquiry.
China's production of batteries for new energy vehicles (NEVs) ramped up by an impressive 206.9% in the first quarter from the same period in 2021, Xinhua has reported
Vice-Premier wants local government to help key companies get back to work after weeks of lockdowns in Shanghai and other cities.
Tesla has recalled workers to its factory to prepare for the restart, which could happen on Tuesday, as the city accelerated efforts to exit a Covid lockdown
With no end in sight to a lockdown that for some has lasted four weeks, frustrations are mounting behind the shuttered gates of the city's tower blocks
Unexpectedly strong GDP data for the first quarter of 2022, not heavily affected by China's worse Covid-19 outbreak in two years, also fails to lift the market
Passenger traffic is down to negligible levels at the Hong Kong International Airport as China enforces its strict zero-covid policy
On a quarter-on-quarter basis, China GDP rose 1.3% in January-March, but impacts from Covid lockdowns in Shanghai and other cities have hit retail sales, factories and employment