The National Development and Reform Commission says regulators would study effective measures to ensure market stability amid fast rising prices
A user on microblogging platform Weibo said the employee died after working long hours but Bilibili denied the allegation in an internal memo
The ADS registration might also suggest potential selling intention by SoftBank, Citigroup analysts said this week
An analysis of final 2021 Census trade data compiled by an economist with the Peterson Institute for International Economics showed China met just 57% of its two-year goods and services targets.
The Swedish factory, opened in 1964, is the oldest and largest of the Gothenburg carmaker, with 6,500 employees producing 1,250 vehicles per day
Continuing restrictions may prolong supply chain disruptions and global inflationary pressures, says Bank of Japan board member Toyoaki Nakamura
Officials seized more than $3.6 billion in cryptocurrency when llya Lichtenstein, 34, and his wife, Heather Morgan, 31, were arrested in New York
China delivered double-digit growth for the popular cosmetics brand despite Covid-19 lockdowns and numerous market disruptions
Imran Khan and Xi Jinping “called upon the international community to provide continued and enhanced assistance"
Payments involving bank cards, online payment vehicles, commercial papers, credit transfers and other settlements rose 16.2% over 2021
"Total loadings in the whole 12 months of 2021 were down 2.5% year on year to 1,983 million tonnes," the broker said
Lam was set to announce further Covid restrictions later in the day after the city saw a "shocking" new record of over 600 infections on Monday