Fitch Ratings said growth is underpinned by a robust mergers and acquisitions deal pipeline and increasing intra-regional cooperation.
Shimao and Yuzhou are scrambling to negotiate new terms with creditors to avoid default, while Evergrande secured a crucial payment delay
Consumption has not picked up the way it should to compensate for effects of the virus, IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva said
KFC promotion could fall foul of a campaign against food wastage launched in 2020, amid growing worries about food security
Images and analysis provide a detailed look into Beijing's recent construction along its frontier with the landlocked kingdom
Inflation climbed 0.9% in 2021 and authorities have ensured adequate supplies of goods, which helped stabilise prices
Construction of large wind power and photovoltaic projects in Inner Mongolia and Ningxia Hui regions, as well as Qinghai and Gansu has been underway since October 2021
A highlight is that project units will no longer be required to provide duplicate documents that can be obtained by mutual recognition
US investment bank Goldman Sachs estimates high-yields firms have $3.6 billion worth of bonds maturing by the end of the month
China's cabinet issued a plan on Wednesday for development of its digital economy, aiming to increase this sector's share of national GDP by pushing tech like 6G and big data centres
One bright spot was new energy vehicles (NEV), which include battery-powered electric cars, hybrids and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. Over half a million were sold in December.
Local governments in China have been under heavy economic stress, after Beijing’s move to rein in real estate debt. Some suspect LGFVs could collapse given their huge debts ($8 trillion in 2020)